EIT Food open call
EIT Food open call
The intention of this Call for Proposals is to maximise the societal, economic and environmental impact of innovative ideas and consortia within the scope of EIT Food’s Impact Framework, as described in our Strategic Agenda 2021-27.
- Use: Go2Market;
- Date closing: January 14, 2022
- Amount: 400,000 € - 1.4M €
- Industry focus: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery; Food;
- Total budget: -
- Vertical focus: All
- Website: https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/eit-food-call-for-proposals-2022#overview
- Status: Open
- Funding type: Grant;
- Funding rate: 60%
- Geographic focus:
- Public/Private: Public
- Stage focus:
- Applicant target: SME; Startup; LE; RTO; University; Non-for-profit organisation; Mid-cap;
EIT Food is calling for consortia of organisations to submit proposals for collaborative activities which will bring innovative technology solutions to the market in the agrifood sector. Call 2022 is open to all organisations eligible for Horizon Europe funding. It is not a prerequisite to be an EIT Food partner to submit a proposal. Organisations intending to participate in the call must be eligible for EU funding according to Horizon Europe rules. However, successful organisations will need to become an EIT Food partner before the projected activity start date. The consortium should be formed by minimum 3 organisations from at least 2 different eligible countries representing at least two sides of the knowledge triangle.
All proposed activities, regardless of activity duration, must launch at least one innovative solution by 31 December 2023, including revenue generated of at least € 10,000. Activities ending in 2024 must launch an additional marketed innovation by 31 December 2024. So the TRL of the project must start at TRL7
The funding rate is 60% and 85% for RIS countries. A Financial Return Mechanism is mandatory for each proposed activity, as part of the EIT Food Financial Sustainability Strategy. For example, if the total proposed Activity budget is €1M, of which 60% is reimbursed by EIT Food (or € 600,000), then the exploiting party or parties must propose a mechanism which provides a return of at least € 300,000 upon commercialisation, within an acceptable timeframe.
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Featured Funds
- Usage: Go2Market;
- Entity type: Accelerator
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Global;
- Deadline: February 28, 2022
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: R&D; Go2Market;
- Entity type: Public Agency
- Funding type: Grant;
- Geographic focus: Sweden;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: Go2Market; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Venture Capital
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Canada; United States of America;
- 0 reviews 0 questions