Jóvenes Emprendedores
Loans for launching SMEs and startups by young people
- Use: Go2Market;
- Date closing: -
- Amount: 25,000 € - 75,000 €
- Industry focus: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery; Arts; Tourism; Health; ICT; Food; Manufacturing; Chemical industry; Construction; Education; Energy and water supply; Transportation; Media; Others;
- Yearly operations: 400
- Total budget: 200M €
- Entity type: Public Agency
- Vertical focus: All
- Website: https://www.enisa.es/
- Status: Open
- Funding type: Loan;
- Funding rate: 50%
- Geographic focus: Spain;
- Public/Private: Public
- Stage focus: Seed;
- Applicant target: SME; Startup;
Aimed at recently established SMEs (and startups) created by young people to address the investments required by the business project in its initial phase.
- Your company must have been incorporated not more than 24 months prior to application.
- The majority of the capital must be in the hands of individuals not older than 40 years.
- The partners must contribute, via capital or equity, at least 50% of the loan.
Terms and conditions
-Minimum loan amount: €25,000.
-Maximum loan amount: €75,000.
In order to determine the amount, the amount of equity and the financial structure of your company, among other factors, will be taken into account.
-The interest rate will be applied in two tranches:
>First tranche: Euribor + 3.25%.
>Second tranche: we apply a variable interest rate depending on the financial profitability of your company, with a maximum limit established between 3 % and 6 %, according to the rating of the operation.
Arrangement fee: 0.5%.
-Maturity: maximum 7 years.
-Principal grace period: maximum 5 years.
-Early repayment fee: equivalent to the amount that the loan would have accrued for the second interest tranche if the loan had been repaid in the agreed terms and the second interest tranche had been settled at the maximum rate, deducting the interest accrued on the second tranche up to the date of early repayment.
-Early maturity fee due to a change in the shareholding: In the event of a change in the majority of control of the borrower company and/or the global transfer by any title of the borrower company's assets, ENISA has the option to declare the early maturity of the loan. In the event of exercising this option, a penalty for early maturity will be established, equivalent to the amount that the loan would have accrued as the second interest tranche -if the loan had been repaid in the agreed terms and the second interest tranche had been settled at the maximum rate-, deducting the interest of the second tranche accrued up to the date of early maturity.
-Amortization of interest and principal is monthly.
-They do not require guarantees.
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Featured Funds
- Usage: Other;
- Entity type: Public Agency
- Total: 1B €
- Funding type: Loan; Equity investment; Procurement;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Norway; European Union;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: Go2Market;
- Entity type: Family Office
- Funding type: Loan;
- Status: Open
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- Usage: R&D;
- Entity type: Public Agency
- Total: 2B €
- Funding type: Grant;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Europe; European Union;
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