Odewald KMU is one of the leading investment partners for succession solutions and growth financing in the German-speaking regions.
- Use:
- Date closing: -
- Amount: -
- Industry focus: All
- Total budget: -
- Entity type: Private Equity Firm
- Vertical focus: All
- Website: https://odewaldkmu.com/en/
- Status: Open
- Funding type:
- Geographic focus: Germany;
- Public/Private: Private
- Stage focus:
- Applicant target: Startup;
ODEWALD is the leading German independent private equity partner for established and high-growth small and medium-sized enterprises.
Odewald KMU is well connected in the German industrial and “Mittelstand” sector, as well as in public administration and politics. They leverage their network to identify experienced supervisors and advisors as investment partners and to establish contacts with leading consultants and entrepreneurs from relevant industrial sectors or with prominent personalities in public life.
Last updated on 2023-04-26 11:49
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Featured Funds
- Usage: R&D;
- Entity type: Other
- Funding type: Grant;
- Geographic focus: Germany;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: Go2Market; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Venture Capital
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Canada; United States of America;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: R&D; Go2Market; Other; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Accelerator
- Funding type: In kind; Other;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: EU; Europe;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
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