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Loans to boost the digital transformation of the agri-food and rural sector.

  • Use: Go2Market;
  • Date closing: -
  • Amount: 25,000 € - 1.5M €
  • Industry focus: All
  • Yearly operations: 200
  • Total budget: 200M €
  • Entity type: Public Agency
  • Vertical focus: All
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Funding type: Loan;
  • Funding rate: 50%
  • Geographic focus: Spain;
  • Public/Private: Public
  • Stage focus:
  • Applicant target: SME; Startup;


Financing line aimed at promoting the digital transformation of companies in the agri-food sector and rural areas. The funds for this line come from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and will be managed and administered by ENISA.


-Registered office in Spain.
-Be an SME, as defined by the European Union.
-Have its own legal personality, independent of that of the partners or participants.
-The business project must demonstrate its technical and economic viability, and present an innovative business model, novel or with clear competitive advantages and that contributes to its digitization.
-The borrowing company must co-finance the financial needs associated with the business project.
-The company's own funds will be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan.
-The company applying for an Enisa loan must show a balanced financial structure and professionalism in its management.
-The accounts for the last closed fiscal year must be submitted, which must have been filed with the Commercial Registry or other appropriate public registry.
-The company receiving an Enisa loan for an amount greater than €300,000 must have its financial statements for the last closed fiscal year externally audited.
-In the development of these projects, the applicant companies will execute their actions in accordance with the principle of not causing significant damage to environmental objectives as stated in Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investments and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.
-Excluded are companies whose activity corresponds to the real estate and financial sectors, and those excluded in compliance with the DNSH principle "Do No Significant Harm" or do not cause significant harm to environmental objectives.


-Minimum loan amount: €25,000.
-Maximum loan amount: €1,500,000.
-In order to determine the amount, the amount of equity and the financial structure of the company, among other factors, will be taken into account.
-The interest rate will be applied in two tranches:
>First tranche: Euribor + 3.75 %.
>Second tranche: we apply a variable interest rate depending on the financial profitability of your company, with a maximum limit established between 3 % and 8 %, according to the rating of the operation.
-Arrangement fee: 0.5%.
-Maturity: maximum 9 years.
-Principal grace period: maximum 7 years.
-Early repayment fee: equivalent to the amount that the loan would have accrued for the second tranche of interest if the loan had been repaid in the agreed installments and the second tranche of interest had been settled at the maximum rate, deducting the second tranche interest accrued up to the date of early repayment.
-Early maturity fee due to a change in the shareholding: In the event of a change in the majority control of the borrower company and/or global transfer by any title of the borrower company's assets, ENISA has the option to declare the early maturity of the loan. In the event of exercising this option, a penalty for early maturity will be established, equivalent to the amount that the loan would have accrued as the second interest tranche -if the loan had been repaid in the agreed terms and the second interest tranche had been settled at the maximum rate-, deducting the interest of the second tranche accrued up to the date of early maturity.
-The amortization of interest and principal is quarterly.
-No additional guarantees other than those of the business project itself will be required for the granting of the loan.

Last updated on 2023-01-09 11:47

AgroInnpulso FAQ

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