DeepTech & Climate Fonds
DeepTech & Climate Fonds
DTCF is creating the next generation of technology champions in Germany and Europe.
- Use:
- Date closing: -
- Amount: 1M € - 30.0M €
- Industry focus: Others;
- Total budget: 1B €
- Entity type: Venture Capital
- Vertical focus: cyber security, AI, blockchain, new materials, deep tech, quantum technology, medtech, food tech, agri tech, biotech, diagnostics, emobility, smart city
- Website:
- Status: Open
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Geographic focus: Europe; Germany;
- Public/Private: Private
- Stage focus:
- Applicant target: Startup;
The DeepTech & Climate Fonds (DTCF) is a new investment fund active in the field of ground-breaking technology (deep tech), financed with funds from the “Zukunftsfonds” and the ERP Special Fund. They invest together with private investors such as family offices, foundations, private companies and business angels who have a long-term investment horizon and focus on the sustainable growth of their investments. The fund invest in the technology champions of tomorrow, helping to create the next technology-based generation of Germany’s “Mittelstand”. In doing so, they are strengthening the long-term competitiveness of the German economy. A total investment volume of up to EUR 1 billion is earmarked for the DTCF over the next years. They will invest from €1M-€30M per company.
Their fund is the right partner for entrepreneurs running innovative deep-tech and climate-tech companies whose business models are characterized by a longer development cycle and high financial requirements. They want to offer these companies a long-term growth perspective in Germany and Europe, including a joint journey to capital market readiness.
The fund is particularly focused on companies ranging from traditional deep-tech areas such as industry 4.0/IoT, robotics, AI, quantum computing, blockchain and process automation, to companies with a tech-based business model from sectors such as digital health, new energy, fintech, smart cities and certain areas of the biotech industry. In addition, they’re also looking for innovative deep-tech companies that will disrupt other markets. Their investment areas include cyber security, AI, blockchain, new materials, deep tech, quantum technology, medtech, food tech, agri tech, biotech, diagnostics, emobility, smart city. The fund targets a lifetime of at least 25 years.
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- Usage: Go2Market; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Venture Capital
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: Canada; United States of America;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: R&D; Go2Market; Other; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Accelerator
- Funding type: In kind; Other;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: EU; Europe;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: Go2Market;
- Entity type: Family Office
- Funding type: Loan;
- Status: Open
- 0 reviews 0 questions