Draper Associates
Draper Associates
Draper Associates is a global venture capital firm for industry transforming companies.
- Use: Go2Market;
- Date closing: -
- Amount: -
- Industry focus: Others;
- Total budget: 230M $
- Entity type: Venture Capital
- Vertical focus: crypto, blockchain,
- Website: https://www.draper.vc/
- Status: Open
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Geographic focus:
- Public/Private: Private
- Stage focus: Seed;
- Applicant target: Startup;
Draper Associates was founded in 1985 by Tim Draper, founder of the famed Silicon Valley venture capital firm known as Draper Fisher Jurvetson (“DFJ”).
Draper Associates has become a leader in early-stage venture capital having funded companies including Hotmail, Skype, Baidu, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitch, Cruise, Carta, Webflow, Robinhood, and Coinbase. Draper Associates continues to innovate in providing capital to technology companies of all sizes and all geographies.
The firm is well known for being entrepreneur friendly, and supporting entrepreneurs through thick and thin, and for the long haul.
Located in Silicon Valley (California), Draper Associates is a crypto investment fund that has been investing in disruptive and transformative technology for nearly 40 years. A huge part of its portfolio includes blockchain and crypto-based companies, such as Coinbase, Ethereum, Hashrabbit, or Ledger.
The firm has raised a total of two funds worth $420M. Their latest fund was Draper Associates VI, launched on Nov 16, 2021 and which raised a total of $230M.
Portfolio: 7shifts, Aladdin, Coase, Cryptoys.
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Featured Funds
- Usage: R&D;
- Entity type: Public Agency
- Total: 1B €
- Funding type: Grant;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: EU; Eureka associated countries;
- 1 reviews 25 questions
- Usage: R&D; Go2Market; Other; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Accelerator
- Funding type: In kind; Other;
- Status: Open
- Geographic focus: EU; Europe;
- 0 reviews 0 questions
- Usage: Go2Market; Scale-up;
- Entity type: Accelerator
- Funding type: Equity investment;
- Status: Open
- 0 reviews 0 questions