
  • Use:
  • Date closing: -
  • Amount: -
  • Industry focus: All
  • Total budget: -
  • Vertical focus: Climate and Ocean Tech: blue biotech, food and feed sourced from the ocean, ocean health, earth intelligence, and the decarbonization of various industries
  • Funding type:
  • Geographic focus:
  • Public/Private: Public/Private
  • Stage focus:
  • Applicant target:


Last updated on 2024-07-21 20:13

Faber FAQ

0 questions

Featured Funds

Fund image

ICO - Instituto Crédito Oficial

  • Usage: R&D; Go2Market; Social & Environment; Other;
  • Entity type: Public Agency
  • Total: 8B €
  • Funding type: Equity investment;
  • Status: Open
  • Geographic focus: Spain;
  • 0 reviews 1 questions
Fund image

EQT Ventures

  • Usage: Go2Market;
  • Entity type: Family Office
  • Funding type: Loan;
  • Status: Open
  • 0 reviews 0 questions
  • Usage: R&D; Go2Market;
  • Entity type: Public Agency
  • Funding type: Grant;
  • Geographic focus: Sweden;
  • 0 reviews 0 questions