
  • Use:
  • Date closing: -
  • Amount: -
  • Industry focus: All
  • Total budget: -
  • Vertical focus: Energy, Transport, Infrastructure, Buildings, Industrial processes, and Food production; energy management and storage, energy efficiency, battery technology, digitalized and integrated energy systems, carbon capture, use and storage, as well as recycling and energy-efficient materials
  • Funding type:
  • Geographic focus:
  • Public/Private: Public/Private
  • Stage focus:
  • Applicant target:


Last updated on 2024-07-21 20:13

Nysnø FAQ

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Featured Funds

Fund image


  • Usage: Go2Market;
  • Entity type: Venture Capital
  • Total: 600M €
  • Funding type: Loan;
  • Status: Open
  • Geographic focus: Nordics;
  • 0 reviews 0 questions
Fund image

Luminar Ventures

  • Usage: Go2Market;
  • Entity type: Venture Capital
  • Total: 50M €
  • Funding type: Loan;
  • Status: Open
  • Geographic focus: Sweden;
  • 0 reviews 0 questions
Fund image

EU Catalyst Partnership

  • Usage: R&D; Go2Market;
  • Entity type: Foundation
  • Total: 820M €
  • Funding type: Loan; Equity investment; Blended finance;
  • Status: Open
  • Geographic focus: EU;
  • 0 reviews 3 questions